Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Little Raven: Tribute! Warrior

Sourdough CR116 Trailhead: N40°01.656’  W105°31.478’

Chief Little Raven was a proud warrior, dedicated to peace and preservation of the land his people held dear.  Time after time his will would be tested from broken promises to unforgivable massacre but he never lost sight of his goal for peace for the Arapahoe.  The Little Raven trail is a lasting tribute to a great man and your chance to find your inner warrior.

Four times' the charm, for this week most of Sourdough and finally Little Raven have been mapped.  This route takes you one-way up Sourdough then on to Little Raven.  Rain clouds followed me all day and it just seemed safer to call it a day once I reached the end of the trail.  Certainly the ride back would have been quite the challenge, perhaps next time the weather will cooperate.

Sourdough was in perfect condition this time around.  A little rain made the ride a bit cold and despite some slippery rocks it produced fine trail conditions.  A word of caution, if storm conditions exist you may want to consider ending your ride if lightning is active - lightning can be very dangerous up in the mountains and no ride is worth the risk.  The tread is half hard-pack and half rocky single-track.  Rocks will range in size, some impossible to pass on two wheels but no match for a determined rider on two feet.  Little Raven had its fair share of rock but most was Dirt soil and light mud, oh yeah!

Shade is abundant and parts of this ride will surely bring a smile to your face, perhaps even a little vocal display of approval.  The climbing is steady with some well placed descents.  Water features are few so enjoy them when you can - there is a great one at Peace Memorial Bridge about 2.45 miles from the Sourdough trailhead.  I reduced the rear tire pressure a bit for better traction and this seemed to help with the climbing - bring a pump because you'll need to add air along the way.  Some sections will call for good line choices and strong legs so make sure you're ready.

802 to Little Raven
You'll finally reach 802 to Little Raven at about 5.15 miles and you have two choices.  North (right) will take you down the to the CR104 Sourdough trailhead, which looks to be less than half a mile and West (left) will take you up towards Little Raven.  I had been dying to give Little Raven a try so naturally I pointed the Schwalbe Nobby Nics West.  This first section is brutal and for about 0.06 miles your determination will be tested (this picture is only the beginning).  It runs up along a water bed and years of snow melt have formed a bit of a 'V' with plenty of exposed rock, mostly the boulder variety.  Only an expert, a level of skill I have yet to acquire, would be able to pass this section without dismounting.  The trail becomes more rideable the closer you get to mile 5.67 so don't give up, you're almost there.  

The Little Raven officially begins after a short climb up CR104 toward Lefthand Reservoir.  At or about 6.80 miles you'll catch the Little Raven.  This trail turns to very narrow single-track through dense pine forest so keep your eyes peeled for trail markers because at times it's hard to make out a trail.  You'll cross some really cool man made lumber paths, about 12 inches wide, that run over the soggy parts of the trail.  Check your balance because the slightest mistake and your shoe will find the bottom of a very muddy puddle.  Along the way you'll come upon a lonely pond which will make another great background if you can find a spot clear enough to stand by.

Snow drifts still covered parts of this trail and paired with many downed trees it was quite difficult to get by.  Don't be discouraged, keep going because at this point you're so far down it would crazy not to finish.  The final descent at about the 7.00 mile mark is so worth it.  The trail is tight with twists and turns, you'll forget all about the work it took to get here.

This leg of Sourdough is a solid Blue and Little Raven varies is difficulty but the toughest parts raise the bar to a Black Diamond.  It was a long and tough ride but that's why we ride mountain bikes, for the adventure.  This ride was all mountain because it contained everything one would expect from a Rocky Mountain trail.  It will require stamina, strength, strong lungs and passion, for this route is not for the timid.  It is a local favorite because of it's challenging terrain and if you've been dying to find out how you and your bike can handle the Rocky Mountains, give this route a try, you won't be disappointed.

Follow my route at connect.garmin.com/activity/329052350 and for those interested, I have a website where you can contact me directly; www.dirt-life.com Dirt Life will start to offer tours so if you're planning on visiting our neck of the woods, send me a message and I'll make sure your mountain bike trip is a memorable one.

Brainard Lake
Enjoy the summer and I hope to see you on the trail - Alan

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